Sunday, July 24, 2016

To share or not to share that is the question

So, my next 2 pictures on my camera roll might be ones I shouldn’t really share, but I am going to do it anyway.  I signed up to do a weight loss challenge with my friend Kate and some of her friends from Washington.  The pot for the winner is over $500, so needless to say I am pretty motivated to win, I can put it toward my NYC trip.  Also, I really need to get into shape because we will be walking a lot on our vacation and let’s be honest I really do need to lose weight, so I figure no matter what, I win.  Well, here is a picture of my 2nd weigh in, which I was pretty proud about, I started at 215 pounds.  The other picture is of my cute toes that I had done during my lunch hour one day.  I just decided I needed something to lift my spirits and that was it.  Hopefully it will actually warm up so I can wear sandals soon.  I obviously wrote this a few months ago. I am so behind.

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