Sunday, July 24, 2016

Mother's Day

Mother’s day.  So, we did mother’s day dinner at my house this year and it was just us 3 girls from our family and our families of course and Mauna and Terry.  I made enough food to choke a horse though.  It was a really nice evening and we took a lot of pictures.  I am so thankful I have the mom that I do, she is the most amazing mom EVER!!  If I am even half the mom she is, I will consider it a win.  I was really blessed to have such amazing parents and family.  And I am thankful that Ray’s mom brought him into the world too.  It was a pretty great day, I got cards and gifts and I am usually grumpy on mother’s day, but this year I had a much better attitude.  They usually make me breakfast in bed on mother’s day but they let me sleep in instead because we have 9:00 church.  So, that was nice too.

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