Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cute lunch date

I just had to share.

To share or not to share that is the question

So, my next 2 pictures on my camera roll might be ones I shouldn’t really share, but I am going to do it anyway.  I signed up to do a weight loss challenge with my friend Kate and some of her friends from Washington.  The pot for the winner is over $500, so needless to say I am pretty motivated to win, I can put it toward my NYC trip.  Also, I really need to get into shape because we will be walking a lot on our vacation and let’s be honest I really do need to lose weight, so I figure no matter what, I win.  Well, here is a picture of my 2nd weigh in, which I was pretty proud about, I started at 215 pounds.  The other picture is of my cute toes that I had done during my lunch hour one day.  I just decided I needed something to lift my spirits and that was it.  Hopefully it will actually warm up so I can wear sandals soon.  I obviously wrote this a few months ago. I am so behind.

Mother's Day

Mother’s day.  So, we did mother’s day dinner at my house this year and it was just us 3 girls from our family and our families of course and Mauna and Terry.  I made enough food to choke a horse though.  It was a really nice evening and we took a lot of pictures.  I am so thankful I have the mom that I do, she is the most amazing mom EVER!!  If I am even half the mom she is, I will consider it a win.  I was really blessed to have such amazing parents and family.  And I am thankful that Ray’s mom brought him into the world too.  It was a pretty great day, I got cards and gifts and I am usually grumpy on mother’s day, but this year I had a much better attitude.  They usually make me breakfast in bed on mother’s day but they let me sleep in instead because we have 9:00 church.  So, that was nice too.

Tyler's 26

Tyler’s birthday celebration.  I can’t believe he is 26 and he’s a dad, boy how times flies!!  Happy Birthday Sir.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Walk to the Temple

So, I had a goal to actually walk to the temple from my office by the end of the summer.  Well, I guess I am an over achiever because I did it in May instead.  I decided that I could really do it and knew that it was just going to get hotter during the summer and I was sorta of grumpy and needed a long walk so I thought what the heck.  Here are the pictures I took while walking, and I did make it alive.  The only bad thing is that I was so hot when I got back to the office.  My face was super red and I had a few customers come in after that and ask why my face was so red.  But, I accomplished it and I think I could even walk further if I had to.  It was 2.2 miles round trip so it wasn’t even that long of a walk, just uphill the whole way there.

Friday, July 1, 2016

5k with Jerika

In an effort to lose some of the weight and because my office paid for our entrance fee, I decided to do the 5k walk in Rigby that our office manager there is in charge of putting together.  There were several of us from the office that did it and at the last minute Jerika was able to do it with me too.  I had been walking a lot just trying to get ready, because the last time I did it I wasn’t really ready and just about died (ok not really).  This time was much easier though because I had actually walked before the race.  Our times weren’t the best, but we were held up just a little by a very sad little girl in a stroller that just wanted out.  But, we finished and I actually won some running socks in the raffle.  Who knew socks could make such a difference but I have used those $15.00 socks several times and Love them.  Ray and Kinlee came at the end and cheered us on at the finish line.  It was really a lot of fun and so much warmer than last time when it rained.  After the race we loaded up in Ray’s car and went to Idaho Falls and I can’t remember for the life of me why.  But, I am sure it was something really important and really fun even though I didn’t take pictures.

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...