Monday, October 13, 2014

The Great Utah

Amanda and I went to lunch on Friday and decided that we were going to Utah the next morning and so we did.  We left at 9 and stopped for lunch at Maddox in Brigham City and then went across the street and bought my mom 2 huge squashes.

After that we headed to downtown Salt Lake.  My sweet friend Becky lost her husband to cancer a few months ago and they donated his body to research, so we stopped at the memorial to take pictures for her of his name on the wall.  Here is a picture of the "monument" the wall was glass so the pictures of that didn't turn out fabulous, but it was nice to see what giving people there are in this world.  The wall was huge with many donors names and it was a good reminder to me of how giving David really was. 
Of course I couldn't go to Utah without seeing my family.  So that night we met up with Ashlin and her boyfriend (who we really liked).

Shelby, Catie, Austin and Kelsie for dinner.  Doesn't Austy look thrilled?  He loves me, he just doesn't like his picture taken I guess. 
It was freezing at Red Robin so we were using napkins as blankets it didn't help a whole bunch but it was something. 

That night we stayed at Amanda's in-laws, aka Travis' parents.  They were so nice and it was really nice staying up late talking to them.  The next morning they fixed us a really nice breakfast and then we watched the first session of conference with them, which was very nice also. 
Contrary to my most recent relief society lesson, which said to keep the Sabbath Day Holy, we went to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory before heading home.  But, I think the ox was in the mire and we needed to eat before our long drive home.  We had a really nice time and it was so much fun getting away for a few days.  Thanks Amanda for being such an amazing friend!! 
Oh, I can't forget Ruby Snap, which is an amazing cookie store in down town Salt Lake that we stopped at on Saturday.  The cookies were pretty expensive but they were WAY worth it and they gave us samples of anything we wanted too, which made it even better!!  It will most definitely be on our places to stop in Utah from now on. 

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