Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sick hubby = grumpy wife

Ray had walking pneumonia last week and I am pretty sure I am the least sympathetic wife ever!!  He was home on Thursday night and snored like crazy so I slept on the couch since I had to work the next day.  Friday night we pulled the twin mattress downstairs so I could sleep on that instead of the couch and he graciously gave up our bed and slept in the living room.  Saturday morning I finally made him go to the doctor and the doctor got him all set up with breathing treatments.  Even though he was a little better the next two nights, he still slept in the living room.  Yup, I am creepy like that.  I also left most of the day Saturday to go have lunch at KaReena’s house for her birthday.  Mom, Nakia and I made lunch and took it over there and spent the afternoon just talking.  It was so much fun!!  Then I had to return to “sick land” and I was tired, so I took a nap.  Kinlee went to help at a Halloween Carnival for the day and I think Jerika just stayed in her room most of the day.  We had Stake Conference on Sunday and nobody felt great so we didn’t go and then we paid the price later in the day, because sick dad and grumpy mom equals external combustion.  Enough said on that.  So, Ray is feeling a little better, I think.  He still left on the truck and is in Canada for most of the week.  Needless to say it was a super fun weekend and he was not happy that I took pictures of him while he was sick. 


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