Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Indiscriminate thoughts and views

The other day I wrote a pretty lengthy blog post about things going on it our world.  However, it is still sitting there waiting for me to push “publish” because there are people that can’t know yet what is going on in our world.  This is one reason I think I should make my blog private and because I think some mean people that block me from social network sites are still reading my blog.  Yup you know who you are.  That being said I am having another Random thought day and if for no other reason than to get a few things off my chest, I am writing it down for all to read.  One of them is really silly and I think it has come to my attention lately, because I really hate doing my hair every day.  I know that sounds really lame, but it just seems like a bother most days.  I have noticed that people on tv don’t really do their hair anymore, I know really random thought.  For instance, I was watching Dancing with the Stars the other night and Julianne Hough’s hair was horrible and looked as if it had no style.  The other person I made note of recently was Ellen D. “wife” Portia.  She has the weirdest looking hair I have seen in a long time and she is on a television show that I watch and they try to style it on there which makes it look even worse.  I would post pictures of both, but I don’t want to waste any space I might have putting pictures of insignificant things on here (google it if you get a minute).  So, I am thinking, do I really need to even do my hair for work every day?  I might try one of these crazy “styles” and see if anyone says anything, because I can do these styles by simply rolling out of bed in the morning. 
And speaking of Ellen D., that brings me to my random topic for today, which is gays and marriage.  Please note I said gays and marriage , not gay marriage, because I don’t 100% agree with that term.  I would like to clarify right off that I agree with the LDS church’s stand on gays and I am not questioning that at all.  One of my very good friends in high school was gay, but we didn’t know it until several years later, I also had gay roommates when I lived in Utah.  I have a few gay friends now and I am not judging their choices at all, however I think that the word marriage in the traditional sense is between a man and a woman.  And if they want to be “married” maybe they could try calling it something else.  I also am not a fan of them calling each other husband and wife, I don’t know why that bothers me, but it does (maybe because there just can’t be 2 wives or 2 husbands in a union).  Now, I am a pretty liberal person, especially considering where I live, and I am very tolerant of a lot of things and if you want to be gay, then you just go right ahead.  However, I saw an article the other day about a little church and preacher being sued because he would not perform gay marriages.  This is where I have a problem!!!  They (I am sorry but this is how I am going to refer to gays) are wanting us to be tolerant with them and accept the way they believe, however they are not willing to do the same thing.  Tolerance is a two way street which also involves choices and not just our own choices, but the choices of others.  It seems to me like they are wanting everyone to change the way they believe and make people whose churches do not “believe” in gay marriage skew their belief system.  If we allow them to live the way they want and they don’t want us to “judge” them, then they can’t “judge” others that don’t agree with them.  That is pretty vast statement I realize, but think about it a little, they didn’t want us to force our beliefs on them and so they have been fighting for their rights and now they have the “rights” they want, they want us to change what we believe just to accommodate them.  Are they going to start trying to sue the LDS church because they won’t allow them to be sealed in their temples?  This is why we have freedom of religion they can stick with the religions that do believe in gays being married and let the rest of us believe and worship how we would like.  Once again, just to reiterate if you want to be gay then please feel free it does not make you a bad person, but don’t berate others for not agreeing with your choice because we all have a little thing called free agency.  Maybe this should have gone in the “unpublished” portion of my blog as well, but this how I feel, I just hope I don’t come across as a hater, because I am so very tolerant of many things.

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