Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Brain purge.....

Our world just really seems so crazy sometimes and I know I have mentioned it before, but I think I could write a book of the things that go on in our world.  Maybe if I was super articulate like KaReena, I could make it happen, but we all know I am not so I won’t.  My dad HATES September with very good reason, it is the month my sister died several years ago.  As they years have continued we have had some good things happen in September that make things not seem so bad, like Jerika and Kinlee being born (which were not easy births of course), but September is still hard.  This year was no different and sadly it started for us in August and luckily the end of September is in sight.  Our summer was pretty uneventful, and I have gotten pretty lazy which I am hoping to start correcting (zumba here I come and Jerika is coming with me.)  I was doing such a good job writing events down keeping things up like paying bills and keeping my house clean and then I just stopped and was in a very “I don’t care” mode all the time (still kinda there, but working on it).  But the August/September events really didn’t help my attitude.  The first thing that really happened is someone got a hold of my social security number and opened up a Verizon account with my number and my name spelled Jenelle.  Luckily Verizon sent me something to my home address, not my mailing address and I was able to get a handle on it.  All of this happened August 11 and I am still waiting for the prosecutor’s to sign the subpoena which entitles the police to get information from Verizon so they can figure out who the person is that is using my ssn.  I am less than pleased, but I worked with Verizon and finally after a month they had the phone shut off for good and they are not making me pay anything.  Needless to say it was a nightmare and still freaks me out just a little that someone has my ssn.  Then a few weeks later, someone was using Ray’s debit card number in Tennessee  to make purchases, and luckily we got that all taken care of quickly too.  We also found out that our friend Sheila (also the person who raised the girls at her daycare) has cancer.  We have been praying really hard for her, but life just really seems unfair sometimes.  She has had her 1st chemo treatment though and seems to be handling it okay for now, we are hoping that continues.  Then last week the girls were in a car accident in Sugar City.  I had been sick for 2 days and had sent them to get us dinner at the little burger joint in town and on the way home the sun was not their friend and caused them not to see an oncoming car.  Everyone seemed okay after the accident and then later that night we ended up taking Jerika to the ER because she had hit her head and wasn’t feeling well, but everything turned out to be just fine except for a mild concussion for her and a little whiplash for Kinlee.  We are still waiting to hear on the car and whether or not it is totaled or if we will be able to get it fixed.  Jerika was in her little car she just bought a few months ago and she has only paid 2 payments on.  But, we are just so thankful that they are okay and that the person they hit is okay too.  Another thing that has been super stressful for me is teaching the relief society lessons once a month.  I have wondered frequently lately if it is because some things in the lesson hit a little close to home and they are things we aren’t doing and should be doing.  I guess that just means those lessons are really for me and it is a good thing I am teaching them.  I do think frequently though that the people in there might be tired of hearing from me every month, but I know that is just satan trying to drag me down too.  I know this is a big run on paragraph, but I have a couple more things that have really been trying for us at our house.  Ray’s eyes are getting progressively worse every day.  Right now he is able to still drive his truck, but we realize those days are quickly coming to an end soon.  So, eventually he will have to find something else to do to support his family.  I have been trying to get him to use the essential oils to help some of the ailments he has (which are many) but he forgets to use them and I realize that the oils are amazing but they don’t work through osmosis I am afraid.  Well, I better be done blogging this week is busy I have bunco at my house and Kinlee’s birthday tomorrow which involves a trip to Idaho Falls (and getting my oil changed while there too), then Saturday is the general Women’s meetings and we are celebrating Kinlee’s birthday at moms on Sunday with the family.  When I am blogging though I feel like I am getting something accomplished even though I am just sitting around which I do a lot lately.  I have decided that working the front desk at work is exhausting and so at night I am so much more tired and more likely to just veg out.  Okay, I am done.

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