Sunday, May 27, 2012

Doug & Marsha - Wedding

A few posts ago I mentioned how lucky I am sometimes.  Well, this was one of those lucky times. These are a few of my favorite people and I was the lucky one they picked to take pictures at their wedding.  I also got to take their engagements picture, but I never did post any of those (not really sure why).  Anyway, this is Doug and Marsha.  Doug is Allisa's brother in law, yes that would mean he is Brandon's brother.  I have never done photos at a wedding, so I was super nervous, but I think they were happy with what I was able to do with my minimal equipment and skills.  These pictures are the unedited ones, I saved the edited ones in Picasa and I guess I haven't saved them in my pictures folder.  Here are just a few of the over 500 pictures I took that day.  I didn't ask Marsha's permission to put them on my blog, so I am only going to post a couple, even though I am sure she won't care.

Yes, those are real guns.  Their cake topper had this exact same pose on it, so they wanted to pose like the cake top.  (See the picture at the bottom.)  They are so fun and silly!!

Here are my just a few of my FAVORITE little people.  Mya, Peyton and Reece.
How cute are they?

This is the groom's family.  All of which I have gotten to know very well and am a very lucky person because of that.  I actually got more pictures of his family, because I know them and felt like I could boss them around a little bit more than the bride's family,

Here is the cake topper, pretty unique, I don't think I have ever seen one quite like it.

I felt pretty good about the pictures at the end of the night.  I know I am not a professional and would never claim to be, but it was a fun experience.  I did decide that the photographer has to be pretty bossy & loud so that everyone listens, I know you are all thinking "perfect job for Janel".  I was so stressed out though that I was super sick the whole week after the wedding.  I didn't go to work most of the week and slept a lot.  But, thanks Doug and Marsha for trusting me and for giving me this experience.  Love ya both!!

1 comment:

Carlson Clan said...

You are the most amazing friend I have!!!!

My Birthday through Christmas