Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two of the most amazing years ever!!!!

I really like to make sure that my blog is in date order and I try my hardest to keep it up to date, but I am going to be a little out of order here. I can finally type this without crying, at least I hope I can, so here it goes.

On September 25, I was released from my Young Women’s calling, which equaled a very sad day for me. I knew it was coming, mostly because my Laurel Advisor was put in the Primary presidency a few weeks ago and I had to ask the bishop what I was supposed to do and he said nothing right now. Lets just say the day they released Jocelyne (my advisory) was SUPER hard!! I cried most of the day that day too. That is one thing about callings in our church, you get really attached to the people you work with and it isn’t like they are moving far away or anything, but you just don’t get the opportunity to spend as much time with them as you would like. Anyway, Jocelyne taught me a lot while we worked together!! She is the most loving, kind and giving person and it is so genuine. She was a new member in our ward when we got put in, so it was nice to be one of the first ones to get to know and appreciate how amazing she is.

Even though I knew I was getting released on Sunday, it was still really hard!! I had some really sad young women, which I think was a sign that we as leaders did make somewhat of an impression on these young women. I know this sounds a little crazy, but I had a very good idea a week before we got released who the new President was and I think there was a reason for that. I was prepared on the day I got released to hand “my girls” over to the new president, I am not saying it was easy and it still isn’t, but I knew I could let go. I will miss my young women and yes I know we all live in the same neighborhood, but like I said it is different now and it will take some adjusting on my part.

My hardest transition at this point however, is being in constant contact with my presidency. I LOVE THOSE WOMEN. It is kind of crazy what great friends you become when you are serving those around you. I couldn’t have asked for better women to serve with and I am thankful every day that I can now call them my friends. My secretary is my next door neighbor and this actually gave me the chance to get to know her a little better. My 1st counselor and I have lived in the ward the longest and still didn’t know much about each other and my 2nd counselor had just recently moved into our ward also and I must say I was a little worried about her and I getting along. I don’t know why, but I know she would do anything for me anytime and I love her and how amazing she is, we have become such great friends, all of us. And I couldn’t be more pleased with what we have done. I can’t forget Marianna, she was the Beehive advisor and has the most contagious bubbly personality of anyone I have ever met. Okay, I am pretty sure I am rambling, but I just wanted to let all my Girls and Leaders know what an amazing 2 years it was for me and how much I appreciate all that they have taught me.

Now I need to find something to do on Tuesday nights.  And no meetings on Sunday, that will be super weird.


Anonymous said...

You are so cute...and sweet!! I loved working with you and at first, I was totaly scared of you. I thought really, she wants me to work with her in YW......OKay!! I have loved it and will miss you too!! Funny how the whole time serving together we never went to lunch....now I guess we can go more often!! Love you and loved being in YW with you!!!!

Emme said...

almost 4 years ago I was called to be the assistant Beehive leader, assigned to work with them on Tuesday nights. I was the Primary chorister on Sundays. It was frustrating because I had ideas, and no one let me do anything. That changed a little over 3 years ago as I was called to be the Mia Maid adviser. I was so excited and work with the most fantastic women. About 2 years ago I was put in as 1st counselor. I love the YW. Normally the presidency is only in 3 years. I cherish every experience with the girls and the other leaders because I feel like I am on "borrowed time". I know what you mean about getting close and learning and growing with everyone. I know the day will come when I will be released. I know I will be very very sad. But I know that one day, when that happens, I will get the opportunity to get a new calling and get to love someone new. I will always have warm feelings of love for those I have served and served with, just like I do for you and your sweet Mom! You are awesome!

My Birthday through Christmas