Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Smiths - KaReena's Family

Another photoshoot.....and I couldn't decide which ones to choose.  So here are my favorites.  At least I think they are.  When I download pictures on my computer, sometimes I am not really sure it is the one I really want, because the pictures are so small.  But, these guys did such a good job, there really weren't any bad pictures.

LOVE YOU GUYS!!  Even though you don't read my blog.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogging slackers...

If you are reading this and haven't updated your own blog lately, SHAME ON YOU!!  Maybe I just have extra time lately and others don't, but it really seems like I am the only one blogging.  I would sometimes like to say the same thing on my Facebook.  I know people read updates, but very seldom update their own status.  I update mine because it really makes me feel better sometimes.  So, I won't judge, but post some pictures or something, please.  Okay, I am done, I haven't been out of my house since Saturday evening.  Everyone is sick here, me not as bad, but someone has to take are of the sickos.  So, maybe that is what the deal is with my attitude.  I have read a whole book, well, I actually did that on Sunday in between waiting on everyone.  Ray just came home today and is staying at home tonight because he is sick now too.  It is so much fun!!  The one thing about him is that he thinks when he is sick that I need to be in the same room as him, even if he is sleeping.  So, I am blogging while he is snoring away.  I was going to go to work today, but when I called in at 11 Becky told me she didn't want what we had so I should just stay home.  So, that is what I did.  I believe I am rambling now, so I will close, but wish me luck.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kinlee's Birthday

Kinlee and my niece Kayla have birthday's one day apart and this year we had a combined lunch for their birthdays. Kinlee was so excited!! So, we all met at Pizza Pie Cafe and had lunch. It was a lot of fun!!

The lighting isn't great, but that was okay for any pictures with me in them.

Cindy is in the corner with her hat on, you really can't see her, mom, dad & Bubba (Blake).

Cody & Jerika

That is a look we see a lot on Jerika's face (I guess it is the "teenager" look.) Isn't she precious. Kinlee was pretty excited though.

Granny gave Kinlee one of Her bears, which says a lot, she does not part with them easily. That goes to show how much she loves her Kinlee. The cake is ICarly (it is really hard to see that too.)

I love Tragen's face in this picture. Rylen was trying to give me a bite.

The pile of loot. My kids are really spoiled I decided. Wow I wonder whose fault that is, I am going with Ray on that one, pretty sure.

I failed to mention that we had cake at our house with the grandparents and Nakia's kids after lunch.

Ray, the ringleader of his own little circus.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Brycen's farewell after party

Me, Brycen & Nakia

Kelsie, Syd, Cody

Linkin, Linda, Ashlin & Anita

Shawn & Tracy

Shelby, Anita, Keslie

Brycen & Jerika

Some of the cousins - Kels, Jerika, Cody Shawn, Brycen Ash, Derek, Taylor, Tracy, Kelsie & Natalie

Blake & Dad (dad is in a few of these pictures, if you see him, don't tell him)

Cheryl and Neil (Adrian's parents / new family members)

Dad & Mom

Cousins with gpa & gma

Proud Parents

Natalie & Kinlee

This was the only picture of KaReena & Brian, too bad I am in it too.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blake's family pictures

Since Brycen was getting ready to leave they wanted their pictures taken before he left. So, here they are...

They did pretty good and we had fun too, you can't do better than that!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Should I go private, I just don't know.....

I realize my blog is not private and some days I wonder if I should make it private for days that I just really want to vent or tell some details that might not be appropriate to share.  Like today!! 

But, my day started out with me thanking my Heavenly Father in a HUGE way.  I am so blessed that I feel bad wanting to vent.  But, here is what happened……..

I woke up this morning and started my usual routine, which didn’t consist of showering, because I went to Zumba last night and showered at 10:30.  Anyway, I came out of the bathroom to get dressed and realized that we had left the garage door open all night.  Which is so weird, because I can pretty much see out the garage door from my bedroom.  But, Kinlee went to Zumba with me last night and when the kids go anywhere with me, I just come in the house and hope that they close the garage.  I don’t close it because they are walking around the back of the car and it would just hit them anyway, or reopen. Anyway, those of you who know me know that my house is locked down like fort knox on a regular basis, even during the day.  When I sent Kinlee to bed I told her to check the doors, so at least the garage door was locked, but it has a window, which is really creepy to me, since you can look through that window and see me in my bed.  And the kicker is that I left my keys and my purse in the car last night.  Yes, it didn’t matter that the door was locked, they could have used my key to open to door.  I am just really thankful that I live in such an amazing place and I know we aren’t exempt from bad things happening, but last night was a total miracle if you ask me!!

Then to the venting.  I have worked at my office for 16 years now and I really do like my job, but there are some days that I pray really hard for some people to find another job.  I am not going to be specific, but I am tired of having an air conditioning war EVERY day!!!  I think when it gets down to 30ish at night and doesn’t get over 70 during the day, the air conditioner doesn’t need to be on.  I am very sympathetic to hot people, BECAUSE I AM ONE!!  I am constantly hot, which is another reason that I don’t think the air needs to be on all day.  If I am a hot person I feel really sorry for the cold people that are literally freezing during the day!!!  (Becky if you read this, I am not talking about you.)  The other issue is that the HOT people can have fans at their desks, but the cold people are not allowed heaters at their desks, which just doesn’t seem right.  So, I guess tomorrow I am wearing boots, bringing my heating pad and my hot water bottle.  I AM TIRED OF FREEZING ALL DAY!!  Just keep in mind I do like my job, just not the temperature in the building. 

Okay, I am done for now.  I hope everyone has a fabulous day and thanks for taking a minute to read my rantings.  Maybe I should go private, oh the things I could rant about then.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Two of the most amazing years ever!!!!

I really like to make sure that my blog is in date order and I try my hardest to keep it up to date, but I am going to be a little out of order here. I can finally type this without crying, at least I hope I can, so here it goes.

On September 25, I was released from my Young Women’s calling, which equaled a very sad day for me. I knew it was coming, mostly because my Laurel Advisor was put in the Primary presidency a few weeks ago and I had to ask the bishop what I was supposed to do and he said nothing right now. Lets just say the day they released Jocelyne (my advisory) was SUPER hard!! I cried most of the day that day too. That is one thing about callings in our church, you get really attached to the people you work with and it isn’t like they are moving far away or anything, but you just don’t get the opportunity to spend as much time with them as you would like. Anyway, Jocelyne taught me a lot while we worked together!! She is the most loving, kind and giving person and it is so genuine. She was a new member in our ward when we got put in, so it was nice to be one of the first ones to get to know and appreciate how amazing she is.

Even though I knew I was getting released on Sunday, it was still really hard!! I had some really sad young women, which I think was a sign that we as leaders did make somewhat of an impression on these young women. I know this sounds a little crazy, but I had a very good idea a week before we got released who the new President was and I think there was a reason for that. I was prepared on the day I got released to hand “my girls” over to the new president, I am not saying it was easy and it still isn’t, but I knew I could let go. I will miss my young women and yes I know we all live in the same neighborhood, but like I said it is different now and it will take some adjusting on my part.

My hardest transition at this point however, is being in constant contact with my presidency. I LOVE THOSE WOMEN. It is kind of crazy what great friends you become when you are serving those around you. I couldn’t have asked for better women to serve with and I am thankful every day that I can now call them my friends. My secretary is my next door neighbor and this actually gave me the chance to get to know her a little better. My 1st counselor and I have lived in the ward the longest and still didn’t know much about each other and my 2nd counselor had just recently moved into our ward also and I must say I was a little worried about her and I getting along. I don’t know why, but I know she would do anything for me anytime and I love her and how amazing she is, we have become such great friends, all of us. And I couldn’t be more pleased with what we have done. I can’t forget Marianna, she was the Beehive advisor and has the most contagious bubbly personality of anyone I have ever met. Okay, I am pretty sure I am rambling, but I just wanted to let all my Girls and Leaders know what an amazing 2 years it was for me and how much I appreciate all that they have taught me.

Now I need to find something to do on Tuesday nights.  And no meetings on Sunday, that will be super weird.

Monday, October 3, 2011

More Carlsons

I think this is my favorite picture from the whole day.  They all have huge personalities and are so much fun!!  There were so many good pictures and I hope that they loved them too.

We also took some of Mya in her baptism dress, but I am going to let her mom post those.

Mr. Personality

Mr. Hottie

How cute are they??  The place we took pictures is in St. Anthony and I love it.  It is for sure my new favorite place to take pictures.  If you look really close at the green figures above them, one is a silouette of a girl and the other one (above Allisa) is a cowboy.  What a fun night we had.

My Birthday through Christmas