Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Silly people!!

I just noticed that my last 3 blogs have something to do with the word last. So, I made sure this one didn't.
Well, our Honda took a turn for the worst. He started smelling really sweet and upon further examination, Ray realized that there was antifreeze going into the engine block. So, Ray decided that I need a reliable car, since he isn't home a lot. He searched and searched and searched some more to find a good car that was in our price range. He finally found one, so we made a quick trip to Utah to pick it up. These are actually pictures from the hotel room and not of the car. It was quite a trip and the girls were so patient, even though we spent way too much time at the car dealership. I will post a few other pictures of the rest of the trip later and maybe a picture of the car. I am not really even sure I have taken one yet.

I don't know what is worse.......my double chin or......

Seeing up my nose. Anyway, Ray took this pictures, so I am blaming them on him.
We were there long enough to swim at our hotel, and Ashlin even came to hang out with us for a little while. One of these days she is going to be very sad because there aren't very many pictures of her because she doesn't like her picture taken. We also went to lunch with Shelby and his family and I guess dinner too Ray decided that he can wait a very long time before he travels with us EVER. Us girls are just used to doing things without him that it was hard for us and him to remember that we have to make decisions together. In other words, I actually have to consult with another adult instead of making all of the deicisions myself. It was weird.
All Kinlee ever wants to do is swim when we go anywhere, so she was happy. She was even more happy that there really wasn't much time at all to go shopping this trip.
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Last dance recital???

Here are Kinlee's costumes from the dances she did this year. She had so much fun and loves it, but I would rather she take piano lessons. However, she did a really good job this year. It is funny because she is so much taller than all the girls in her class. They are all in the same grade, but she is definately the tallest. Isn't it funny how a little premie baby can grow up to be taller than most of the other kids her age.

She loved this dance, the hit woofle balls into the audience, and our granny actually got hit in the head with one. But, that is how we roll, if someone is going to get hit it is going to be someone in our family. There was another group that had water guns and oh yes, we got wet too. Poor Granny, I don't know if she will come to another dance recital anyway.

Her hat says Ray. She was a construction worker. The theme of the recital was "Our Town" and it had dances about places we have in Rexburg. Her dance teacher is so clever. She always dances at the end of the recital and she is pretty amazing and she's a grandma too. The one thing I really like about her is that she "loves" all the girls and I think that is one of the reasons Kinlee doesn't want to quit is because she LOVES Miss Melanie.

In action. For the life of me I can't remember what this dance was and what thing in the town it represented. But, she did a really good job. When Ray doesn't go with me it is really hard to take pictures and video at the same time. I had mom do the pictures and she did a pretty good job.

Jerika, of course, helped back stage, but I didn't get a very good picture of her when they came out on the stage.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jerika's last Sugar City choir concert

I am really hoping that in this picture they haven't started yet.

I think they all look pretty excited here, although Mr. Cherrington looks baffled. Maybe this was after he cried, because he is going to miss Jerika next year. At least I am pretty sure that is why he got teary eyed, even though he didn't say that in his little speech.

At this point I am wondering if I actually took any pictures of them singing. It was a stressful night and I was just glad I made it to the concert. Thank goodness for my leaders in Young Women who took over Senior Graduation night at mutual.

Okay it is confirmed, no pictures of them singing. At least I took pictures, right? Once again, MOTHER OF THE YEAR!!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kinlee's last volleyball game

Wow, volleyball is over. It was quite a commitment, but she had so much fun. She is really a good little player and she has turned into quite the server. She is going to a volleyball camp right now at the high school and loves it. Maybe I will end up with a sporty child after all. Jerika didn't want anything to do with any of it, espcially the running back and forth of soccer.

This is most of the team, I think there might have been at least one missing. They all got medals and were pretty excited about that. I think for her first year she did an amazing job.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Once again I will state that I am so behind!! I have been Utah twice since this event. Tiffnie and Tonia were going to meet in Layton for the weekend and scrapbook, so they invited me along. I can't believe how much I got done and boy did we have fun!!
Our hotel had 2 bedrooms and a kitchen, so we sat everything up in the living room and scrapped there. The first night we all went to bed and I fell asleep with my television on (each room had one and so did the living room.) I woke up a little while later and realized it was still on, so I turned it off. Then I heard the tv in the living room going (and I remembered turning it off myself). So, I got up and both Tiff and Tonia were sound asleep, so I looked around the hotel room and found nothing. I was totally freaked out, but I got back in bed and went to sleep. The next day Tonia was watching tv in the living room and Tiff was switching channels in her room and it was changing Tonia's channels too....mystery solved, all the remotes worked on all the tv's.

These were bracket things that you would put around words, so we used them as mustaches, hey we thought it was pretty funny.
(No, we don't get out very much.)

Thanks for taking me with you guys!! Lets do it again very soon!!
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My Birthday through Christmas