Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lots going on....

Life really has been pretty crazy around here lately and I do have pictures to download and blog about, but every time I sit down to the computer to download pictures, it won't work.  This is only picture I could get downloaded today.  It is a picture of Ray and his Granny on her birthday.  Hopefully I can get this stupid computer to work later and I can download the rest of the pictures from her birthday.

It seems like life the last few months has just gone by so fast!!  We have had a lot going on that I haven't even posted about yet.  Some of those things have pictures that I will try to download today and blog about.  The one thing I didn't take pictures of was my trip to Utah with my parents the first week in March.  It was not a fun trip and that is why I didn't take any pictures.  My cousin's husband in Ephriam died and so we went there for his funeral.  His name is Brent Banta and his death was a huge shock.  He is younger than my parents and they believe he had a heart attack.  My kids just loved Brent (and his family) and because of that they wanted to go to Utah with us.  So, we all left on March 3 to pay our last respects to Brent.  My cousin Ann was such a trooper the whole time, but she is such an amazing woman that I wouldn't have expected anything less from her.  We stayed in Salt Lake for a few days and just hung out with Shelby's family and then came home on Sunday.  It was nice to see family, but the circumstances didn't make for a happy "family reunion".  Ann and her family is constantly in our prayers and we thank Heavenly Father for Brent and for his example in our lives.

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My Birthday through Christmas