Monday, May 2, 2011

Kinlee's School Program - Idaho History

Here are a few pics from Kinlee's Idaho History program at school.  They did it at 2:00 in the after noon so that mostly just parents were there.  It was a cute program, but looking at these pictures I decided what I wouldn't give to be in Kinlee's head for just one day.  Her facial expressions sometimes just push me over the edge.  I have been on the receiving end of some those looks and let me tell you, it is just a little scary.  But, that is just her personality and I guess that is what makes her who she is.

I am pretty sure right here she is a little irritated with someone.  She is really good about doing what she is supposed to at things like this.  Also at her dance recitals and any public thing.  So, when other kids are naughty (in her eyes) or not doing what they are supposed to, she pretty much tries to keep them in line.  Which I am pretty sure doesn't go over very well with her peers.  I think that she has been in charge for so long at our house that she should be the boss everywhere else also.  Just ask Jerika, we try not to upset her too much around here, because it makes life miserable.  If anyone has any suggestions on how we can fix that, I am all ears!!  Or if you would like to keep her for a few weeks during the summer to straighten her out, just let me know.

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