Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oops, a little out of order.....

These are pictures we took at the hotel the day before the farewell, so that is why I said they are a little out of order.  We rode to Utah in KaReena's car and we filled it.  There was grandpa and grandma, KaReena, Lydia and Dax, and Jerika, Kinlee and I.  We all had fun, except maybe grandpa, but secretly we all know he loves spending time with us.  Even though he and Dax were surrounded by girls.  Blake and Cindy and their kids met us at the hotel and then dad and Blake went somewhere, I think a gun show or something and we hung out at the pool.  I thought I took more pictures of that, but I guess not.  This is actually plenty, I know, but that was just a little dialogue with myself trying to figure out where they might be.  Ok, sorry.

Later on Shelby and his family showed up, which you already know from the previous post about who we had dinner with Saturday night.  We had a really fun time!!  The kids all got long really well and played so good together.  Even the teenagers, oh thats right, we never have any trouble at all with our teenagers, they are all perfect, because we raised them to be fabulous people.  I bet you expected a lol or something right there, but I am pretty serious about that one.  In the grand scheme of things all of our kids are really good.  Yes, we have the usual little issues with them, but as I look around lately I can't complain at all about the 22,000 texts my daughter sent and received last month, because she is a good girl.  Ok, I did complain about it and took her phone away and cut her usage, but if that is all the problems I have with my kids, I am going to one lucky mom.  I am keeping my fingers crossed. 

Shelby & Dax

Mom, Ashlin and Anita
Cody, Natalie, Cindy, Peyton and Carter

Kinlee with her groupies, Dax & Lydia.

Yes, it is me, hey maybe that camera is where my other pictures are, I forgot I took 2 cameras with me, even though that is what I usually do.  Wow that was a long, run on sentence.  (Don't judge me Jana).  These pictures are from my little camera, you know the one that went swimming in the snake river and still works.  I better go do some checking, but rest assured I will not post anymore of this event unless they are really good.

Kelsie & KaReena


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