Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kinlee's 1st Volleyball Game

These are not the best pictures, but I didn't have both lenses to my camera, and we were not sitting in a very good place to take pictures. Kinlee's first game was in Ashton. They have a total of 5 games each Saturday, they play 3, ref one and then sit one out. These games started at 12, so we got done about 3:30. They play for 15 minutes on each side and don't keep score, so it isn't very competative, since they are just learning. Kinlee served underhand this game and made almost every serve over. The thing they really need to work on is the returning stuff. But, for her first year, she is doing really well. And....she loves it, thank goodness. I love sports and was hoping that one of my kids would like something, so I hope she continues on.
This is her, she is number 2.

Team cheer. I will have her tell me what it is on the next volleyball post.

Grandma and Brayli came to watch. I know, that isn't grandma, but I guess I didn't take a picture of her. So, here is silly Jerika, who tried to convince us that this is her real smile. Kids.

 If you look really close you can see that Kinlee is watching us instead of listening to what her coach has to say. All in all they did a really good job for their first game. They are a good group of girls and her coach is a little quiet, but I guess not everyone can be loud and bossy like Kinlee's mom. And the girls really love her so that is what matters.

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