Monday, June 1, 2009

BYU Women's Conference

Me, Tiff Angie & Brooke.

We found some cheap and comfy p.j.s and we all really liked them so we each bought a different color. Angie didn't want to match us or something, I think she felt bad later. Thanks for taking the picture Ang.

Dinner the first night we were there.

Tiff's sister Tonia met us for dinner. She is a blast!!

May was a busy month, but it was really fun. I was able to go to BYU Women's Conference with some of my friends. It was a busy few days with a lot of walking and running and waiting in lines to use the bathroom, however, I did have a really good time. I wasn't sure at first, but I am glad that I went and would definately go again. One of my favorite things was the concert on Thursday night. There were 5 or 6 different people and one group that performed, well worth the entire entrance fee for womens conference. I was pretty proud of myself, when running or speed walking to our classes, I kept up with the others and didn't even pass out when I got to the class rooms. We also fit in some shopping while we were there, of course. All in all it was totally worth going, it was nice to get away. Thanks for inviting me girls!!


Anonymous said...

I love the matchy, matchy PJ's! I would have bought a pair...Angie really missed out. Looks like you all had fun. I only wish I lived close enough to meet up for dinner with you guy, too. You're right, Tonia is a blast. Don't tell her I said that, it might go to her head.

Colette said...

Looks like a lot of fun. You deserve a gettaway. I can SO relate with the quick run/speedwalk and hoping that you don't pass out, trying to breathe slowly so no one hears you gasping for air!

Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...