Sunday, April 5, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Bunco

I hosted bunco at my house on March 17, and you can't have a party on a holiday without taking full advantage of the "Theme" of that holiday. Therefore, everything was green. We had peas, pistachio salad, green bread (see below), green enchiladas, and then I ordered grasshopper cupcakes from the cupcake store in town (they are the center piece on the table) and I can't forget the green kool aid.
These are my bunco friends, minus Nakia, she was late. Anyway, I am on the left (in my cute farm animal apron), then Allisa Carlson, Mandy Davis (who hates all green food, she had a rough night), DeAnn Chadwick, Kathy Davis, Sheila Gummow and Nichole Stanford. We had a lot of fun!!

Kinlee wanted a pictures of herself eating all of the green food. I need to be a fun mom all the time I guess and do things like this more often. Both the girls thought it was pretty silly.
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Tonia Nelson said...

How cute is that....looks like a lot of work. You are so talented!!

Shari said...

Wow! I am impressed. Looks like fun.

Carlson Clan said...

wow don't you just love my green bow.... that was lots of fun!

My Birthday through Christmas