Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flying a kite in April??

Some of you already know that Ray was gone for most of March to New York, which is so much further than he usually goes. Anyway, while he was gone he bought kites for the girls and so while he was home this week we went to fly them at the park. It was NOT a success!! After all that wind we have had, there sure wasn't any when we needed it. It was family time though and we had a good time.

Look, I did get in the pictures, its my shadow.

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Shari said...

This weekend we went and flew a kite at the nature park. Craig and Heidi couldn't keep it up but Catcher could keep it up for along time!!

Tonia Nelson said...

Cute thats what we did on Easter the kids had lots of fun flying them,it was to windy so I stayed the car. I cant believe you guys didn't have and wind in Idaho thats odd.

Anonymous said...

My girls have been bugging me to fly our kite, but I'm just not that talented. They'll have to wait until their dad gets home in about 6 weeks. Is that a new family photo? You all look great!

Anonymous said...

Someone just needs to plan the trip to Vegas and I'm there. Maybe we could get Tiff to be the party planner.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Rexburg didn't have wind!! :)

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