Monday, April 20, 2009

Ray's cousins

Ray's counsins, Laina and Chantay, and their kids came last week from California to surprise his Granny for her birthday. It was during the week and luckily Ray was home and he got to see them this time. We went to dinner Thursday night and then some of them stayed at our house that night. It is amazing how the kids hadn't seen each other for a few years and they just kind of picked up where they left off. They had so much fun together and my kids are still sad they are gone. Kinlee asked me this week what I thought about running to California for the weekend. Little does she know the actual driving time required to get from here to there. But, I thought it was cute. She really struggles when any of our over night visitors leave. These are just a few of the pictures, I will post a couple more soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A house full of girls...oh, the craziness. I love the big clock...what a cool idea.

My Birthday through Christmas