Thursday, October 31, 2019


I'm not sure at what point I am going to snap. Stay tuned because I do actually know what my breaking point will be if it happens like I think it will. 
Just a few things causing stress....Jerika didn't pass her test, we owe taxes to the tune of $5,000, sewage coming up in our bathroom basement, so we have to replace pipes outside to the tune of $600 which means digging up our back yard which means new grass in the spring, I need new brakes on my car and last but not least we need a new furnace ours no longer works and it's freezing already. 
So we wait on pins and needles to see if our Ives are completely turned upside down because of the decision of one person. Isn't this enough? I'm tired and quite frankly out of money. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Kinlee's Seminary Graduation

I'm Exhausted

Do you ever fell like you are constantly moving but not moving forward or getting anything accomplished? I am so tired and have been working 4 jobs the last 2 weeks. One of those jobs is finally done, so that helps a little. But I am constantly worried about my kids, what life has in store and about a surgery I need but can't seem to make happen. I also have to teach the lesson Sunday and drive Jerika to take her test next week. How do you Mama's with lots of kids function? I need ideas. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

It really is just the little things

So, I am on Facebook and Instagram more than I should be, but I would love to be one of those people that makes lots of money on social media.  Therefore I am using that as an excuse to be on social media.  As a result and maybe not really just because of that I have seen a few things that quite frankly break my hear just a little.  Ray and I are yet again dealing with something that may or may not change our lives within the confines of one single solitary minute and one person's decision, but that is a post for another day.

Today's little thing is my Family, Friends and my church family.  One of the things I am doing right now is "The Last 90 Days" where you do specific things to change your habits, it is also known as "5 to Thrive".  Long story short I am following a few groups on Facebook that have members trying to motivate each other and today one of the posts made me so sad.  It was a lady saying she is in the hospital getting a stint to her brain inserted and she is alone at the hospital and her husband is at home taking care of her daughter.  SHE IS ALONE HAVING MAJOR SURGERY.  I can't even imagine not having a support group and having to do things like this alone.  I may just go back onto her post and tag the missionaries from our church.  I am so blessed to have family around and friends and also my Church family.  This is not the first post I have seen where someone is away from family and having to do something so hard that I can't even imagine it.  Makes friends with your neighbors, help those in need!!  I just wish I could help her and I don't know her at all or where she lives.  I will never take any of my tribe for granted ever!!  And I know I can do other hard things because I am surrounded by the best!!

Friday, October 18, 2019

In an effort to catch up.....

Here are a few posts in one.  I really am so behind but it is my goal to get caught up very soon (these are all from May)  That's embarrassing, except for the fact that I am working pretty much all of the time now.  The pictures were all within one day of each other.

Ray's friend birthday dinner at Fuji

We celebrates Ray and Malisa's birthdays together which was super fun.  The only weird thing about this was that Jerika's exboyfriend's mom took the picture of all of us together.  They were seated right across from us, good thing we still love her.

This was the snap I sent to her and the one she sent to me.  LOL

And Ray did this for his birthday, I guess.  I wasn't there to witness the whole thing.

Kinlee hard at work at her job at Taco Time.  Go Kinlee.

And just for fun.

Sugar Sports

I don't post often about the sports in our Sugar City School district, which I am sure if you have followed my blog for awhile, I am sure I have explained it somewhere.  However, if someone I love is involved I try to support them even though I think sports are dumb.

Kaden plays on the High School baseball team and this is the first time they have gone to State, well at least played in the championship game at state.  I also have a few other opinions about coaches that I will keep my myself as well, because I really try to be positive.  LOL
Kaden did a fabulous job and they ended up taking 2nd place.  And they played at the minor league field that is in Idaho Falls, so I think that was fun for them too.

Karen did a fabulous job even though he was sad they didn't win, she should be super proud of himself for doing such a great job.

My Birthday through Christmas