Thursday, January 24, 2019

Surprise Party!!!

Speaking of amazing friends Amanda, Allisa and Ray pulled off a huge surprise party for me.  There were so many people there and it was so much fun.

Black teeth after cake.  

So, Ray ordered a purple cake with 

I hate when I don't take pictures myself because then I don't usually get every pic that I want.  But those who did get an A for effort.

This table:  Greg, Tiff, Angie, Jed, Katie & Kyle
In the background Todd & Kathy Davis, Venemas, Blaser, and the people you can't see, the Gonzalez, Gummows, Betsey & Trent Smith, Amanda, Justice, Brandon & Allisa, Judy and Laurel and Jube came a little late.  I hope I got everyone.

Mauna, Terry, Brooke, John

Trulee, Dwight, Blake, Carter, Peyton, Dad, Mom KaReena, Nakia, Ben

I was so shocked to see everyone there.  Being 50 isn't so bad when you are surrounded by such amazing people.  I am so lucky!!!

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