Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Senior Class Caroling

These poor kids have had a rough few years.  This is most of the Senior class from Sugar City High School.  Not only didn't they lose their sweet friend Cade in 2017, but this summer 2 of their other classmates Teegan and Tanner died in a horrible car accident.  These kids not only have struggled but have also worried about those boy's parents and they all want to comfort them this year because they know it is hard for them too.  So, the night of my party the Seniors arranged to go caroling and take treats to these 3 families.  I of course only got pictures from Tiff, but we as parents couldn't be more proud of our amazing children.  I can't imagine how hard this year and the years to come will be for those families without their children, hopefully this helped a little bit during the Christmas season.

I think we all raised pretty awesome kids. 

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