Thursday, January 31, 2019

Making Progress

We moved Kinlee to the basement.  She's really being a good sport about this whole thing. 

This used to be our huge family room in the basement, now it will be 2 bedrooms.

This one of the walls going up between our kitchen and the "apartment".

Our living room before we make it into a kitchen.

We ripped everything out of the basement bathroom, its a complete over hall.
We just don't know how we will ever repay those who helped our donated to us through this crazy trial.  We are surrounded by such amazing people.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Friend Christmas Party 12-21

 Greg got Tiff a dog for Christmas.  Meet Sofie.

Bullards plus Anna


Stoddards plus Michael and Brother Miller (from Ciera's mission)

Pinnocks plus Ciera

Senior Class Caroling

These poor kids have had a rough few years.  This is most of the Senior class from Sugar City High School.  Not only didn't they lose their sweet friend Cade in 2017, but this summer 2 of their other classmates Teegan and Tanner died in a horrible car accident.  These kids not only have struggled but have also worried about those boy's parents and they all want to comfort them this year because they know it is hard for them too.  So, the night of my party the Seniors arranged to go caroling and take treats to these 3 families.  I of course only got pictures from Tiff, but we as parents couldn't be more proud of our amazing children.  I can't imagine how hard this year and the years to come will be for those families without their children, hopefully this helped a little bit during the Christmas season.

I think we all raised pretty awesome kids. 

Cute Nails

Here are our finished nails from our mani pedis on my birthday.  I think 50 is going to be great!!  It was such a fun day and I have the best friends in the whole wide world. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Surprise Party!!!

Speaking of amazing friends Amanda, Allisa and Ray pulled off a huge surprise party for me.  There were so many people there and it was so much fun.

Black teeth after cake.  

So, Ray ordered a purple cake with 

I hate when I don't take pictures myself because then I don't usually get every pic that I want.  But those who did get an A for effort.

This table:  Greg, Tiff, Angie, Jed, Katie & Kyle
In the background Todd & Kathy Davis, Venemas, Blaser, and the people you can't see, the Gonzalez, Gummows, Betsey & Trent Smith, Amanda, Justice, Brandon & Allisa, Judy and Laurel and Jube came a little late.  I hope I got everyone.

Mauna, Terry, Brooke, John

Trulee, Dwight, Blake, Carter, Peyton, Dad, Mom KaReena, Nakia, Ben

I was so shocked to see everyone there.  Being 50 isn't so bad when you are surrounded by such amazing people.  I am so lucky!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

50 is Fabulous?? My Birthday!!

So I am not sure if I mentioned it lately but I have the most amazing friends EVER!!  They had me take my birthday off so we could spend the day together.  They took me for pedicures and manicures.  Then shopping and lunch.  We had so much fun.  I love these ladies and 50 isn't looking too bad right now.

Monday, January 21, 2019

So we did this thing......

We are making our house into a duplex and by we I mean our friends.  They are amazing.

Kinlee's new room will be in the basement.

Look at this fabulous vinyl flooring we uncovered.  

Basement bathroom will be a complete renovation.

This side of the basement will be "Jerika's" room.

This will be a kitchen in the "apartment"

Ray is standing where a wall will be and kitchen cabinets.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

12 Days of Christmas

I have the most amazing friends in the world.  Since Ray isn't working life has been a little hard.  These friends of mine, Pinnocks, Stoddards and Bullards did the 12 days of Christmas for us.  It was so much fun for us and so thoughtful of them.  It really kept our spirits up too, its been a hard few months.  I don't know what I would have done without these people these last few months.  I feel sorry for everyone else that doesn't have them as their friends.

Oops they ended up a little out of order.  

My Birthday through Christmas