Friday, December 7, 2018

Today's Test

Today we are at Eastern Idaho regional medical center getting what we hope is the last test. We need some answers. He is having a spinal tap today and he is so anxious. The doctor says if this is the right test his headache will instantly go away. He will however possibly have a spinal headache but it will be different. I can't remember what he called this particular medical issue but it is too much spinal fluid on his brain. He said he had a lady in his office that had this and had lost most of her memory and within two months and medication all of her memory came back. That still doesn't fix his blindness but would be so much less pain and other side effects that some day I will be able to elaborate on without crying onto my keyboard. It has been hard but we see blessings in our life and are thankful for those blessings. We know life could be much worse.

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