Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Latest Young News

We have been so blessed this last month.  We are surrounded by amazing people and wouldn’t change that for the world.  We have had so many tender mercies this month and I can’t even begin to thank everyone or pay people back for their kindness.  So, if you have been part of this kindness and I haven’t been able to thank you, I am thanking you now. We have had some people help us anonymously also and to you I say thank you, you will never understand the how much your kindness has meant to our family.  

We received word from the neurologist that Ray is having some kind of weird migraines that are affecting his memory and making him pass out.  He started on some medication and is feeling better already. I think this combined with the stress and depression of not having a job really made it worse for him.  He is working on a project now and hopefully it will help relieve some stress financially but he is still not working and at this point has no real prospects. I really am trying to focus on the amazing things that have been happening around us and working hard to control the bitter feelings I have for those I feel are responsible for much of this stress.  That is a story that I am still not able to fully tell without getting super angry and crying but I pray one day I can fully forgive. I guess it really isn’t a story that needs to be told and I wish no ill will upon anyone but I guess some people will ever know what it is like to struggle. I am thankful for the lessons we have learned through this, I really am and I am sure there are many more to come.  

For reasons I am also not going to put on my blog yet, right now we believe we will be able to keep our house, once again because of our amazing friends and their help.  We couldn’t do any of what we have been able to accomplish without them. They are seriously angels on earth.

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Christmas until NOW

Yes, I said it.  Christmas until now.  This might actually be the first time I am actually caught up.  Yay me.  Now I need to go back and JO...