Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mrs. Fields

So, I know I have blogged before about my complete obsession for these cookies.  It is such a good thing I don’t live anywhere near any of these stores.  Sadly these cookies were the only good thing about my trip to Utah, other than spending time with my parents.  My cute cousin Valarie died in Utah and I went with mom and dad to her funeral.  She was only 42 and they are still unsure as to the cause of her very untimely death.  I actually used to babysit her when she was younger and I was living in Utah when she went on her first date with her husband so I got to grill him a little before they left.  Like I said it was nice to spend the day with my parents and it was only 1 day, we left that morning and came back after the luncheon.  We got to see some relatives we hadn’t seen in a long time, but I really hate having to go to funerals for that to happen.  I also got to see Shelby and I hadn’t seen him for a while either.  It was a very nice funeral, short and sweet, and I was able to sit by Val’s neighbor who was very informative about a lot of things.  Let’s just say it was interesting what strangers often tell me, I think I might have a sign that says “tell me your life story”.  I don’t usually mind at all but I missed some of the funeral because of it, but maybe he needed to talk.  As we headed home that afternoon the one thing I told my dad I wanted was cookies, since we weren’t staying to shop or eat at the Cheesecake Factory or anything else fun.  And as usual he was happy to oblige, he is usually a pretty good sport when it comes to my cookie obsession.

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