Thursday, March 31, 2016

Life lately

Just a few events to blog about lately that I thought I could round up into 1 blog entry and try to get caught up.  Still not ready to post about the big event, but still putting my mind to writing that one. 

Tuesday March 22, there were bombings in Brussels, which I am not going to lie kind of scare me a little.  Especially with my upcoming trip I have planned to NYC (but that isn’t going to stop me).  I digress, our City of Rexburg has hosted many dancers from Belgium and lots of other places around the world.  My office is right across the street from the Chamber of Commerce and I just happened to look outside the day after and they were flying the Flag from Belgium along with our flag which I thought was pretty amazing.  There were some American’s that died in the bombing and some Missionaries that were hurt, so it did hit pretty close to home.  I was just proud to belong to such a cute little community that also supports the world around us.
So, on Sundays I have the best calling in the whole church.  I get to spend 2 hours with my best church friend and all of the kids in that ward between the ages of 18 months and 3 years.  And boy do we have fun!!  Here is a pictures of cute Haven, she is one of the kids that get to hang out with us during those 2 hours.  Did I mention that we get treats every Sunday?  I am not sure how the other parents feel about me putting pictures of their kids on my blog so I just took one of her to put on here.  We have roughly 10 kids each week and I have been doing it for about a year now.  I love that Amanda is in there with me, I think I would struggle to just be alone with someone else for 2 hours, I don’t know what we would talk about for that long.  
My mom called me last week and wanted me to go to a concert with her, and my cousins Ann and Shelly, I had no idea what the concert was, but I wasn’t going to pass up a chance to spend time with my mom and cousins, that doesn’t happen very often.  The concert was at the Madison High school and it was a family singing group called The Duttons.  I guess they perform over in Branson and have a small theater in the winter in Mesa.  They were amazing and they only brought part of their family.  They also performed with the high school choir (which brought back memories) and the orchestra, it was so worth going, I loved it.
Poor Jerika is on her feet all day and somedays all evening too, as a result she has been getting ingrown toe nails.  So, we decided to take her to a specialist here in Rexburg.  He was hilarious and I was very impressed with him.  Especially because he told me she didn’t need surgery but also told her some of the things she needed to do to help her poor little feet.  I think she is most worried about having sore feet when we go on our trip, but I think helped reassure her that if she does what he told her all will be well.  But, of course I had to take a few pictures while we were in the office, feet really gross Ray out so my main goal was to just get a picture for him, he loved it.  NOT.
So, in my haste to hang out with my mom and cousins, I totally forgot that my visiting teachers were coming.  OOPS.  I love, love, love my visiting teachers and I was really sad when Ray told they had stopped and I had forgotten.  Well, the next day my cute visiting teacher Jocelyne (who was my laurel advisor when I was the Young Women’s president) stopped by my office to bring me a Jamba.  How sweet is that?  I was the slacker and she totally took time out of her schedule to make sure I knew she was thinking about me. So sweet.
 Oops out of order and I don't know how to fix it.

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