Saturday, December 12, 2015


So my apps on my phone and my tablet are not working and it is really stressing me out.  A lot of my pictures are backed up on Google photos and it won't let me put them on my blog.  I don't know what is going on, but it is giving me serious anxiety.  Anyway, these are pictures from my actual camera that I downloaded to my computer.  It is so old school.
The concert was supposed to start at 10:30 but this is what the venue looked like at that time.  So needless to say the concert didn't start until 11:30, which was late but didn't make it any less amazing.  We had really good seats, except for that pole right there, but it wasn't enough to cause issues with my view.

Kelsie took a much better selfie of us but of course it is on my google photos.  So, here is one of us anxiously waiting.

This is right before it started.  I will do one last Garth post, hopefully I can get my other pictures to work, if not I still have the memories.

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