Sunday, December 27, 2015

Tyler & Molly's Sealing

I wish I could properly articulate the words going on in my head when we were at the temple this day.  It was most definitely a parent's dream come true.  There were a lot of tears shed in the temple, so many it is hard to name all the emotions associated these tears. Needless to say we couldn't be more proud of Tyler and the change he has made in his life.  We do credit some of this change to our precious daughter in law, Molly.
We love these 2 more than words can describe and we are so proud of all they have accomplished this year.  And they made us grandparents too, which is a pretty big deal and as Jerika would say, "I am not even mad about it." 

Tyler was also recently called to they 11 year old scouts and he has also lead the music in Sacrament meeting.  Their ward is super lucky to have these 2 amazing people.

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