Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tyler, Molly & Liam

Recently, in looking at other photographers (I use that term lightly for myself) blogs, pictures, etc., I haven’t felt like I am the best I can be, so when Tyler and Molly asked me to take their pictures, I wasn’t quite sure I was up for the task.  It was also a super busy weekend, with the other Youngs coming and preparing for graduation.  But, even though I didn’t feel like I was good enough, I went ahead and relented.  It was really nice to spend the extra time with them and with Liam, which is the one thing I do like about taking pictures.  We took about 700 pictures and these are a few they didn’t use on their announcements.  We did have a good time, even though the wind was blowing 100 miles an hour and the sun was still a little too bright.  They are getting married July 5th and we are super happy for them!!

"Please let me have your camera so I can take pictures"


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