Friday, June 13, 2014

Overwhelmed and undermotivated

There has been so much going on in our world lately and I always want to post a lot of pictures and then I can’t narrow it down and then I get behind and then I get really mad at myself for not posting.  It also doesn’t help that my wifi at home is super spotty and by spotty I mean everyone else’s electronic devices will connect to wifi except for my laptop and that is where most of my pictures are located.  Then when I do get it to work and I put a whole bunch of pictures on at the same time, I get overwhelmed and don’t want to “blog” about the pictures.  I think sometimes they just speak for themselves, hence the last 3 or so posts where I haven’t had much to say, I really do think everyone can figure it out on their own.  That being said, I still have graduation pictures and Kelsie’s wedding pics and several other ones to post, so I guess I better figure out my wifi so I catch up.

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