Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Getting ready for Grad Night

Oh, my gosh, words cannot even possibly explain how much I love this girl and I am so proud of her and for all that she has accomplished.  Getting her to his point hasn’t been an easy road for her or us, but she is here and we couldn’t be more pleased and relieved as we finish this chapter in her life today.  There have been so many people in her life that have helped her along the way and I hope all of them know how much we appreciate them this day as well.  I think they know who they are and most of them I couldn’t have lived without, they were my backbone and my support during the long weeks that my husband was on the truck.  Life was much different when Jerika was little, Ray was gone sometimes 2 to 3 weeks at a time and back then all Jerika and I had were each other and those of you who carried us along the way.  Thanks to all of you and this day please know that we are aware of all of those in her life that made this day happen.  So, here is the start of graduation picture overload, I wish I knew how to  organize  them super cute, but this will have to do.

Graduation lunch

The day of graduation Jerika had practice most of the morning and then we met her and Dallyn in Rexburg for lunch.  Dallyn had been up at a lock in the whole night before and you could tell by looking at him he was pretty tired, but he was a trooper and still went to lunch with us.  Kinlee was still in school, so she missed out on the fun lunch, she wasn’t too happy about that either.

Jerika wore her Sugar Salem Digger tshirt to graduation practice, silly kid.

Memorial Day weekend with the Youngs

The other Youngs came over for Memorial day weekend this year.  Jerika’s graduation was the Thursday after that, and they couldn’t come then so they came over for the weekend instead.  We don’t see them very often, but when we do we just pick right back up where we left off.  They kids are getting so big and we were glad to get pictures with all of us together. 
Like father like son

Ray gets really mad at the girls for pulling faces when they take pictures....I wonder where they get it from.  What a bunch of freaks!!

Tyler, Molly & Liam

Recently, in looking at other photographers (I use that term lightly for myself) blogs, pictures, etc., I haven’t felt like I am the best I can be, so when Tyler and Molly asked me to take their pictures, I wasn’t quite sure I was up for the task.  It was also a super busy weekend, with the other Youngs coming and preparing for graduation.  But, even though I didn’t feel like I was good enough, I went ahead and relented.  It was really nice to spend the extra time with them and with Liam, which is the one thing I do like about taking pictures.  We took about 700 pictures and these are a few they didn’t use on their announcements.  We did have a good time, even though the wind was blowing 100 miles an hour and the sun was still a little too bright.  They are getting married July 5th and we are super happy for them!!

"Please let me have your camera so I can take pictures"


Friday, June 13, 2014

Overwhelmed and undermotivated

There has been so much going on in our world lately and I always want to post a lot of pictures and then I can’t narrow it down and then I get behind and then I get really mad at myself for not posting.  It also doesn’t help that my wifi at home is super spotty and by spotty I mean everyone else’s electronic devices will connect to wifi except for my laptop and that is where most of my pictures are located.  Then when I do get it to work and I put a whole bunch of pictures on at the same time, I get overwhelmed and don’t want to “blog” about the pictures.  I think sometimes they just speak for themselves, hence the last 3 or so posts where I haven’t had much to say, I really do think everyone can figure it out on their own.  That being said, I still have graduation pictures and Kelsie’s wedding pics and several other ones to post, so I guess I better figure out my wifi so I catch up.

My Birthday through Christmas