Thursday, January 9, 2014

Christmas Eve day

I actually made divinity myself this year.  After much training and by much I mean years of training from my mom.  I still don't think it tasted as good as hers, but it did set up.
I think I made it a day or two before Christmas Eve, but I thought I should post a picture anyway.
I got off work at 11ish on Christmas eve so, we all went to lunch at Pizza Pie Café.  We had a really good time and it was fun to spend the rest of the afternoon with just the 4 of us. 
This year I think I only wrapped a couple of presents.  Kinlee wrapped most of them and Ray helped too and I can't tell you what a relief it was to have it done early and not have to worry about it. 
How cute is he?
We did have several presents under our tree.  These however, were not for just they four of us.  I was kind of proud of myself this year, because I let them wrap presents in paper that didn't match the tree.  Which is really unheard of at my house. 

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My Birthday through Christmas