Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Years Day

I know I have put these people on my blog before, but we don’t see them very much, so here is a reminder.  These amazing people joined our family a year ago.  Ray’s mom met the most amazing man who she married and that is why we get to call all of them our family.  They are actually Terry’s (grandpa Tiny) step children, but you wouldn’t know it if you saw them together.  He treats them like his own children and they treat him better than his own children.  Anyway, we don’t get together very much, so Mauna wanted to try and have a tradition of her own with all of us.  So, I guess from now on in the years to come we will be spending New Year’s day together.  I am not going to lie, I love all of them and love spending time with them.  They are all pretty amazing and we are lucky to have gotten to know them and have them be a part of our family. 
Mauna and as I call him G.T.

Craig, Teresa, Kayla and her boyfriend Shane

Scott & Lesli

Jace, Ray, Missy? and Kinlee

BreAnn, Brock, Michelle and Tanner

Jerika and Dallyn

Everyone, mostly.  I took a picture of myself and BreeAnn, but it wouldn't turn the correct direction so I just deleted it.  We did white elephant gifts and ate, it was pretty fun.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

New Years Eve!!

This is picture overload for sure!!  But we had so much fun!!  We missed Travis working a PI job was more important than us, which we totally understand.  But we still partied it up and had a  BLAST!!  DeAnn was sick this year and missed it too and we were sad she wasn't here either.

Cold FUN!!

Riding on the power toys.  Look I didn't even go outside to take the picture.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Christmas Day

Christmas this year was really good, different, but good.  We didn't stay with mom and dad and that was a little sad, but it was nice waking up in our own beds.  The girls slept until about 6, I think and then they texted Ray to tell him they were awake.  And he thought he would play the part of grandpa Sharp this year and take his sweet time getting ready so they could come downstairs.  Kinlee got her ipod touch that she has been wanting and Jerika got a coat she has been needing.  They also got the other stuff you usually get, clothes, socks, blankets and jewelry.

Yes, they are spoiled, but since we only have two, we can do that.  Jerika is not going to like me very much when she sees this picture, but we were all still so sleepy.

Ray also got a new coat that he needed just as much as Jerika.

Another sideways picture, it was fine in the picture feed, but you get the idea.

Ray modeling some of his new items, he really liked his Boise State hat and boxers.  Wow, looking at this picture I wonder why neither of my children were blessed with his piercing blue eyes, oops I digress.

Speaking of eyes, I don't think mine were open wide enough and I think Jake must be wondering what is going on too.  It looks like his head is cocked to the side in wonderment.

All the girls, aren't we precious?

Now to clean up the mess.  I don't even think I got a nap on Christmas and I had to work the next day.  It really made for a very long day at work.  The first thing I did when I got to work was request the day off for next year.

Making breakfast.

Dallyn and Jerika opening presents from each other.
So, Mauna and Grandpa Tiny came over and spent most of the day and had lunch with us too.  So did Dallyn.  Anyway, I am not quite sure how it happened, but I didn't get one picture of them on Christmas Day, I must have been half asleep.  Or we were just trying to figure out the gift card wooden holder they gave us for Christmas and we were too busy trying to figure out the trick so we could get our cards out.  I don't know, but I was a total slacker
Mom and dad came over later to visit and see what the kids got, so I made sure to take pictures with them.  This was the third take of this picture, I made Ray stop being silly and I think we finally got a good one of both of them!!
Grandpa and Kinlee.  I think by this time Jerika had gone to Dallyn's house with his family so they missed the visit with the grandparents.  It really was a great day and everyone got along and we were so thankful for each other and for the Birth of our Savior.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas Eve Night

After lunch we had the annual meet with the Carlsons for a minute party.
Then we headed to mom and dad's house for the best festivities with the best people in the whole wide world.
Gaven, Tragen, Luke, Taylor & Aunt Linda

Tracy, Linkin, Shawn and photo bomber Tragen

Brayli, Lydia, Brian, Wayne (Brian's brother) and yup you guessed it Mr. photo bomb.

Kaden, Dax, KaReena, Rylan & Kayla

Gma Linda & Ray
Of course the people that make it all happen.  Mom & Dad

My little pretties

Nakia & Ben

Oops we forgot Merrill where was he earlier......grazing at the food table maybe?

This is a horrible picture of me, I am not sure what I was doing at this point.  However, I found a song that we wanted to sing to mom, okay I wanted us to sing it.  We never got together to practice, but I still wanted it sung.  We could have just played the song, but we decided to sing it with the cd and we practiced twice before we did it and I think we did an okay job.  We did get the point across though and that was our goal.  The song is called "She Put the Music in Me" by Calee Reed if you get a chance google it and listen it is amazing and fits my mom to a T.  I am going to try and get it sung in our ward for mother's day too, if it passes the approval process.  Most of the words and phrases come from Primary songs, I just love it.

Then we went home afterward, which is really tough on my little family.  We usually always spend it at mom and dad's, but dad has a slight issue with Jake and he wasn't really hip on Jake spending the night too, so we just decided we could be big kids and celebrate at home this year.  This is everyone opening up their pajamas.

The girls also opened up their presents from each other and this is what Kinlee got Jerika.

More pajamas

Gift from Jerika.

My Birthday through Christmas