Sunday, October 13, 2013

How cute are these little people????


Once again this year my sister let me take pictures of her cute kids.  It is always a fun experience and by fun I mean they make me laugh the entire time.  This time however, I was so sick and was not really feeling my best, so sorry Nakia if they didn't turn out as good as they should have. But with kids this cute, how can they not turn out even with a sick photographer.

I think this picture is my favorite one they were are smiling and not being too silly.  I told Jerika to go through alld of the photos I took that were on my computer and turn the ones she thought were the best, so these are the ones she picked.  So, we did get some pretty silly ones.  Gaven is hilarious when you tell him to smile, he always closes his eyes and they were so cute, we just had to make sure we posted those.  Rylen is just out of control, but so stinking cute and funny.  The older 3 were pretty good troopers and did a great job too.  Thanks guys, love ya.


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