Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 1 - Mission Delores

This is the oldest building in San Fran. It was a gorgeous building inside and out. The kids were also able to sing here and some of the other visitors were even video taping them singing.

This is the old cemetary in the back, they said there are over 6,000 people buried there. That tree is the only Redwood tree we saw and they said it was the only one in the city limits.

This was a huge mosaic on the wall outside of the building.

This was the church attached to the mission it had beautiful stained glass windows (but my camera didn't do them justice). It was just amazing how high the ceilings were and the many differences between our church and this one.

The silly girls.

This was at the front and it was carved out of wood, it was so intricate and I wish the woodwork was more visible.

The big front door into the church part of the mission. It was huge and it was fun learning about stuff we had never heard about before.

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