Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 1 - Chanticleers

I started trying to do the whole day in one post, but it was so many pictures.  So, I decided I am going to blog each stop separately. This was our first stop and it was downtown San Fran. I wish I would have taken a picture of the outside, but this is the inside. The Chanticleers are an acapella singing group of 11 men and they were really good (they have won Grammy Awards). The kids sang for them and then they helped them with ideas and helpful hints about what they could do to sound better.
Then they sang for the kids. We weren't allowed to take pictures of them while they were singing. They were hilarious and I am guessing at least half of them were gay which added to the hilariousness.

This was a big group picture with the Chanticleers, but you really can't see them because they were dispursed throughout the group.  The funniest one was the bald guy on the front row.
Jerika duing the group photo (zoomed in).

Musettes singing for their critique.

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