Monday, February 25, 2013

Let me Serve You Please

I have found myself more often than not lately reading people’s blogs who are having “real” struggles in their lives. It has made me so thankful for what I have and remind me that my life is just fine. However, some days it just doesn’t seem like I can get out of this funk I have been in. I don’t know what the deal is, our life is always an adventure, but I do realize that we are not tested like other people have been in their lives. I really hate to be a downer on my blog and usually I am not, but today I just feel extra tired and frustrated. Most of all today I am not happy with the IRS, but there is nothing I can do about that, so I am trying to look for ways I can improve my attitude. I think in my life right now I am needing an opportunity to serve others and maybe that would help me also. I am really trying to be more open to the spirit so I can know who needs me and will let me serve them. I had a friend that used to live here and she “let” me serve her, even though now I truly know it was her serving me by allowing me do little things for her and her family.  I miss her all the time, but I know she is happy where she is and the people there need her now more than I did. I know there are opportunities for service and I know even in my own family I could do better. I could also do better with my visiting teaching sisters. The opportunity to serve there is always a must. I have volunteered to help people with little things like helping with their little ones and I think it is sometimes hard for them to believe I am really serious and that are not putting me out.  So, if I have offered to help you, please know that I need it just as much as you do and you are welcome to take me up on it ANYTIME!!

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