Monday, February 18, 2013

Adrian's Home - Edited Version

Adrian returned from his mission on January 15 and reported his mission that weekend.  So, we took a road trip to Utah.  It was a little crazy and in the end I decided that I would leave the girls at home and just go with mom and dad.  Needless to say I ended up with 2 unhappy girls, however it was nice not to have to worry and just relax.  I ended up riding with KaReena and her 2 kids and we had such a good time.  I hadn't had a voice for a few weeks and was hoping it would return for the weekend, but no such luck.  Okay, lucky for my family, they didn't have to hear as much from me all weekend.
Peyton, Carter, Adrian, Cody & Dax (The boys) minus Rylen who got to go on the trip with us too.
A little information regarding the heading of this post:  I look several pictures over the weekend and in looking at them, there were a lot that I was asked not to post on the internet.  Long story... Anyway, these are a few of the ones I took that I was able to post.  You know the saying about protecting the innocent, well use your imagination if you wish.  However, the story really isn't that exciting and one day I will share.

Brayli & Lydia (the girls)

Nakia, Blake, Adrian, Carter

Austin, Kelsie & yes me.

Matt, Ash, Cindy & Cody

Chery, Neil (Adrian's parents), Lisa (the amazing lady that listened to spirit and made it possible for us to find Adrian), Blake and Cindy

Blake, Nakia, KaReena, Dad, Mom, Me, Shelby
We had so much fun on this trip and I am so glad that I went!!  We laughed so hard and talked and giggled for hours.  We really do have so much fun when we are together and I couldn't have been blessed with a more amazing family than the one I have!!  Love you guys!!

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