Monday, February 25, 2013

Let me Serve You Please

I have found myself more often than not lately reading people’s blogs who are having “real” struggles in their lives. It has made me so thankful for what I have and remind me that my life is just fine. However, some days it just doesn’t seem like I can get out of this funk I have been in. I don’t know what the deal is, our life is always an adventure, but I do realize that we are not tested like other people have been in their lives. I really hate to be a downer on my blog and usually I am not, but today I just feel extra tired and frustrated. Most of all today I am not happy with the IRS, but there is nothing I can do about that, so I am trying to look for ways I can improve my attitude. I think in my life right now I am needing an opportunity to serve others and maybe that would help me also. I am really trying to be more open to the spirit so I can know who needs me and will let me serve them. I had a friend that used to live here and she “let” me serve her, even though now I truly know it was her serving me by allowing me do little things for her and her family.  I miss her all the time, but I know she is happy where she is and the people there need her now more than I did. I know there are opportunities for service and I know even in my own family I could do better. I could also do better with my visiting teaching sisters. The opportunity to serve there is always a must. I have volunteered to help people with little things like helping with their little ones and I think it is sometimes hard for them to believe I am really serious and that are not putting me out.  So, if I have offered to help you, please know that I need it just as much as you do and you are welcome to take me up on it ANYTIME!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Adrian's Home - Edited Version

Adrian returned from his mission on January 15 and reported his mission that weekend.  So, we took a road trip to Utah.  It was a little crazy and in the end I decided that I would leave the girls at home and just go with mom and dad.  Needless to say I ended up with 2 unhappy girls, however it was nice not to have to worry and just relax.  I ended up riding with KaReena and her 2 kids and we had such a good time.  I hadn't had a voice for a few weeks and was hoping it would return for the weekend, but no such luck.  Okay, lucky for my family, they didn't have to hear as much from me all weekend.
Peyton, Carter, Adrian, Cody & Dax (The boys) minus Rylen who got to go on the trip with us too.
A little information regarding the heading of this post:  I look several pictures over the weekend and in looking at them, there were a lot that I was asked not to post on the internet.  Long story... Anyway, these are a few of the ones I took that I was able to post.  You know the saying about protecting the innocent, well use your imagination if you wish.  However, the story really isn't that exciting and one day I will share.

Brayli & Lydia (the girls)

Nakia, Blake, Adrian, Carter

Austin, Kelsie & yes me.

Matt, Ash, Cindy & Cody

Chery, Neil (Adrian's parents), Lisa (the amazing lady that listened to spirit and made it possible for us to find Adrian), Blake and Cindy

Blake, Nakia, KaReena, Dad, Mom, Me, Shelby
We had so much fun on this trip and I am so glad that I went!!  We laughed so hard and talked and giggled for hours.  We really do have so much fun when we are together and I couldn't have been blessed with a more amazing family than the one I have!!  Love you guys!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Years Eve with our Amazing Friends!!!!

We had SO MUCH FUN on New Years eve this year!!  We laughed so hard our stomach's hurt the next day.  I just love the Carlsons and DeAnn!!

Breelyn and Jerika (and her other friend NOT boyfriend!!) decided we weren't so bad and decided to join us for the evening.  They most certainly added to the fun too!!

Christmas 2012 - Glad its over

My sweet father keeps telling me he is going to sue me for using his image on the internet.  So, don't tell him his picture is on here.  Aren't these two the cutest ever!!  They are the most amazing parents a girl could ask for.  They are so much fun at Christmas time and I am so thankful I was born into such an amazing family!!!

Mauna and her fiance Terry, he is amazing we just love him!!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Christmas Eve with the Grinch (aka ME)

I had a SMALL meltdown on Christmas Eve this year.  It had been building for a few weeks and Christmas Eve my family was not very cooperative, so I blew my top.  At moms I had Jerika take pictures because I sat in the corner with the dog.  Needless to say the pictures didn't turn out very well and she didn't get very many....except of herself.  I guess I can't be grumpy on Christmas eve again.
This was me in the corner, I felt it was best for everyone if I wasn't in the middle of everything!!

The little kids playing the chimes.

One picture of many of these two. 

I am going to state the obvious here... don't you love our matching jammies?  Ray helped me pick them out and refused to get ones that matched ours.  He is so narrow minded!!

The children.  I have realized why people have dogs.  He loves me no matter what I say or do and he doesn't judge me at all!!

By the end of the night I was in a better mood, so I actually tried to smile happily.  Jake was trying to look at Ray, he really doesn't like his picture taken.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Its our birthdays shout Hooray!!!

I am so lucky, I get to celebrate my birthday with my dad every year.  His birthday is the 15th and mine is the 20th.  The fact that it is close to Christmas makes it even better, because Kayla was here from Boise too.  We missed Nakia and Ben, but we still had fun.
The birthday kids

Cody, Kinlee, Jake, Jerika Carter, Kayla & Derek.  I just love my family!!

Two of my most favorite people in the whole world.  They have put up with so much more crap from me than any other people on this planet.  And they both still love me.

Cindy and Blake.

My Birthday through Christmas