Thursday, November 22, 2012

We've Come A Long Way "Preemie" Baby!!!

I can't believe my little tiny preemie baby is 12, yup 12 years old.  I still remember the month leading up to her birth just like it were yesterday.  She was so excited to get here that she tried to come 12 weeks early, but she settled on 7 weeks instead.  Which was still pretty early, but she only had to stay in the hospital for a week so we were lucky.  We are pretty sure she had a special bond with my sister Jalyn in heaven, because there were some major similarities with both of them.  When my sister was born, she was 7 weeks early and weighed 4 lbs and 15 ounces. Kinlee was born 7 weeks early and was 4 lbs and 15 ounces.  And it just so happened that Kinlee was born on the same day that my sister died.  I am sure to this day that Jalyn had a hand in Kinlee arriving safely and making sure she was okay.
Precious cake, no more cartoon charaters for big girls.
Her birthday was on a Monday so we celebrated in with everyone at the grandparents house.

I am not sure who is the most scary in this picture.  Silly people.

We love you Kinlee and are very thankful you are in our family.  Happy Birthday!!

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