Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Piano Lessons

Kinlee started taking piano lessons in April this year and she has done an amazing job.  She started with a younger teacher and is now going to a lady that teaches on the college level also.  Kinlee loved it in the beginning and I think she still does, but doesn't like to practice as much as she should.  But, she is so good and I really regret not continuing with piano when I was younger so I am making her continue. 

As many of you know, we live very close to BYU-Idaho where we are lucky to participate in some things that maybe we wouldn't normally have the chance to otherwise.  One of the things they host is a Piano Festival every year.  It is very intimidating, the student is one on one in a room with the judge and has to have her piano pieces memorized.  Kinlee was able to participate in Festival a few weeks ago and we got her grade sheet this week and she got 100%.  Which is pretty awesome for a first timer.  We are so proud of her and amazed at the progress she is making.  Me being the ever diligent mother that I am, forgot to take any pictures that day, so maybe next time.  Good job Kinlee!!

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