Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Piano Lessons

Kinlee started taking piano lessons in April this year and she has done an amazing job.  She started with a younger teacher and is now going to a lady that teaches on the college level also.  Kinlee loved it in the beginning and I think she still does, but doesn't like to practice as much as she should.  But, she is so good and I really regret not continuing with piano when I was younger so I am making her continue. 

As many of you know, we live very close to BYU-Idaho where we are lucky to participate in some things that maybe we wouldn't normally have the chance to otherwise.  One of the things they host is a Piano Festival every year.  It is very intimidating, the student is one on one in a room with the judge and has to have her piano pieces memorized.  Kinlee was able to participate in Festival a few weeks ago and we got her grade sheet this week and she got 100%.  Which is pretty awesome for a first timer.  We are so proud of her and amazed at the progress she is making.  Me being the ever diligent mother that I am, forgot to take any pictures that day, so maybe next time.  Good job Kinlee!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cleaning Carpets

We really needed our carpets cleaned and since our friends sold there business, we decided to just rent a Rug Doctor and do it ourselves.  Okay, who I am kidding...Ray cleaned the carpets for me.  I even went scrapbooking on Friday night and he worked on it while I was gone.  He is such a trooper.  On Saturday I tried to help him a little, but who knew that thing was so heavy, or maybe I am a total light weight and can't do the hard stuff.
He was so tired by the time he finished.  The only place we didn't clean was the basement, because nobody really ever goes down there, at least with shoes on.

Cleaning the carpets really made us notice how bad they needed stretched.  So, we left all of the furniture out of the family room and had someone come and stretch it for us and it looks so much better.  CLEAN & STRETCHED.  Thanks Ray.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

We've Come A Long Way "Preemie" Baby!!!

I can't believe my little tiny preemie baby is 12, yup 12 years old.  I still remember the month leading up to her birth just like it were yesterday.  She was so excited to get here that she tried to come 12 weeks early, but she settled on 7 weeks instead.  Which was still pretty early, but she only had to stay in the hospital for a week so we were lucky.  We are pretty sure she had a special bond with my sister Jalyn in heaven, because there were some major similarities with both of them.  When my sister was born, she was 7 weeks early and weighed 4 lbs and 15 ounces. Kinlee was born 7 weeks early and was 4 lbs and 15 ounces.  And it just so happened that Kinlee was born on the same day that my sister died.  I am sure to this day that Jalyn had a hand in Kinlee arriving safely and making sure she was okay.
Precious cake, no more cartoon charaters for big girls.
Her birthday was on a Monday so we celebrated in with everyone at the grandparents house.

I am not sure who is the most scary in this picture.  Silly people.

We love you Kinlee and are very thankful you are in our family.  Happy Birthday!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


It was pretty bright outside, I really should know better, but it was the only time we could do it.  And they turned out pretty good anyway, even if I do say so myself.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Jerika's 1st Formal Dance

Being the amazing mother I am, I didn't take my camera with me to take pictures while Jerika was trying on dresses.  I do have cell phone pictures, but they didn't turn out very good.  But, I did get these on the day of the dance. 
Here are the boys at the door for the day date.  I think they thought I was a little crazy.
I am not even really sure where they went during the day date.  It was a crazy day.  Jerika's date was name Tristan and her friends name is Jayden (not sure what her date's name was).
Such a proud dad.  It was kind of funny actually.  He is such an amazing dad!!  And isn't she so pretty?  She tried on 3 dresses and we all liked this one the most.

The boys showed up with flowers for the girls and for themselves.  Which I am not really sure why, because we had bought Jerika's date one.  But they used the boys because the were totally color coordinated, I was pretty impressed.

Jerika was consulting her father on how to put is on...doesn't Tristan look worried.  Ray ended up putting it on for him.  Silly kids

Thank goodness for the wrist bands so Tristan didn't have the same issues.

Isn't it pretty?  Tristan got it in Rigby and it was so much prettier than I have ever seen.  They did an amazing job, but it wasn't as pretty as the girl wearing it.

Jayden, Jerika, Cydnie

The whole crew.

The boys

Cyd was sick and didn't go on the day date, so we kept her wrapped in a blanket to keep her warm.
I thought this picture was hilarious, simly because Cyd is ALWAYS the center of attention and the two of them looking at her like that is priceless.

I think they had a pretty good night.

My Birthday through Christmas