Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ashlin's wedding week

Playing catch up as usual, but life has been super crazy.  Okay, I have been playing a lot lately!!  I better get started with the wedding week portion of my blog.  It was super stressful for my mom and I know she is glad that it is over, but it was fun spending time doing extra projects as a family.  The Sunday before the wedding my family, Nakia's family and Blake's family went to moms house to dip pretzels.  Mom has pictures of that on her camera, but I didn't take my camera that day.  But EVERYONE, except for the little kids helped and we had fun.

On Tuesday mom and dad and Jerika, Kinlee and I left for Utah after picking up the cake from my amazing cousin Heidi who made it, did I mention she is amazing and so was the cake!!  On our way to Salt Lake we stopped at Maddox for lunch and we also drove by the Brigham City Temple.  I had gotten rock chips in my (new car) windshield on the way there, so I stayed in Brigham City and had those fixed and mom and dad headed for Salt Lake so the cake didn't melt. 

We stayed Tuesday night with mom's cousin Ramona and her amazing husband Randy.  I love these people...I lived with them for several months in my younger years while working in Salt Lake.  They are so accomodating to all of us, no matter what!! 
Mom and Ramona. 
Randy and Ramona used to decorate for weddings, they were tons of help to mom.

I think these were taken when we first got there and we were all deciding what was for dinner.

After dinner the first night.  Jerika, Kelsie, Syd and Meagan.

I crocheted an afghan for Ash and Matt, I guess I should have gotten a better picture of the actual afghan, instead of the bags it was in.

Jerika and grandpa, I think she was teaching him how to take pics with his phone and she got side tracked.

Kelsie and Kylie making mints.  They were the messiest mint making people ever!!

Kinlee's way of helping......staying out of the way.  She was so good!!

We did 400 fruit kabobs and this was the kabob team.

Additional member of the fruit kabob team aka all of the bridesmaids.

How thrilled does Shelby look here.  It really wasn't that bad and we had so much fun spending the Whole day together.

Aunt Mandy sitting on the air conditioner vent.  I was standing above the other one right across from her.  I must say we are most certainly the "hottest" aunts.

Matt and Ashlin showed up just about the time we were finishing the hard work.  But, once again, fun to spend any time with them that we could.

Bridesmaids and Ashlin after they opened their gifts from the Bride & Groom.

Too bad I cut off Shelby's head in this picture.  DUH

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