Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Post wedding activities

All Kinlee really wanted to do the whole week was swim at the hotel.  They did get to swim a little after the dinner, but she wanted to swim one more time, so we got up early Friday morning so they could swim.  This isn't the best picture, but this is Lydia, Kinlee and Dax.

I was still in my pajamas and I am not sure what I was doing.  But, my shirt was one of my Christmas presents, it says, "I am the crazy aunt everyone warned you about". I thought this week was totally appropriate to wear it.

He is so cute, but I don't think he was very thrilled, maybe it was too early for him too.

Lunch at the mall after swimming and getting ready.

I guess we carried to whole purple thing into the next day too.


Dinner my 3 friends.  The person in the middle is my old roommate Tricia.  The ladies on each side of her are two of the people I went to Vegas with a few years ago, who are both good friends too.  I met Tonia on the left through her sister Tiffnie, who was in my ward here for awhile and we are still really good friends.  Anyway, long story short these 3 are friends and live in Spanish Fork and they met through their kids and are friends too.  It is kind of a weird deal that we all know each other and not through each other. Does that make sense?

We convinced all the boys and Kinlee to hang at Tricia's house and we all went to dinner.  We were laughing so hard (as you can see by my face).  Alison is hilarious and we had so much fun!!

We spent the night after dinner at Tricias and it was so much fun too!!  Tonia and Alison stayed late and we talked and then we left the next day.  The girls wanted to stay an extra day, but I knew I would need Sunday to recoop.  And I did, I didn't wake up until after 1 and had even gone to bed early Saturday night.

More shopping on the way home.  Jerika was coming out of the dressing room and Kinlee and I were sitting waiting for her.  So, I took this picture in the mirror.  I thought it was pretty impressive.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wedding Day - Ashlin/Matt (Picture overload)

How cute are we all color coordinated.  I bet you can't guess Ashlin's colors for her reception.  And it just so happened that yes, it is my favorite color.  The girls both had parts in the reception and I didn't want to be left out, so I dressed in purple too.


Everyone that was at the temple.

Ashlin's amazing aunts and uncles and her dad.

Everyone waiting for them to come out of the temple.  (I think this is a little out of order.)

All of our family that was there.  The photographer took this one and only posted it in black & white

My handsome dad and brothers.  I love these guys!!

My skinny sisters.  They are so pretty!!!  Where was mom for the picture?

Heidi Thurgood made the cake and it was so pretty.  She is so talented!!  And it travelled all the way from Sugar City and made it in great shape to the reception.  Even after we stopped at Maddox for lunch on a super hot day!

This was the first time they saw the reception.

Jerika sang right before the reception started.  She did a fabulous job.  We have it recorded, so I will try to figure out how to get it posted on here.

I love this picture!!

Doesn't she look all grown up.  She wasn't super excited about sitting here at night, but ended up being a trooper!!  I think she had a little help from the boys too.
All of the others that helped put this thing together.

The two that really made this whole thing happen, well at least the reception.  Go Mom and Dad!!

The rifraff that ended up sitting at the book all night.  They took pictures of all the guests, which I thought was such an amazing idea.....oh, it was mine!!  LOL

I did "steal" a few of these pictures from the photographer, but I really wanted some of the shots she got, that I wasn't able to get.  It was such a fun day and it was so nice to see my brother and Ashlin so happy!!  And welcome Matt into the family.  And his family too they are amazing people and we loved spending time with them. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wedding Dinner - Meeting Matt's Family

Grandkids with Crazy faces.

These are Matt's people, most of them anyway.  You can tell the pictures that Kinlee took, they have more wall than people in them.  I guess some training is in order.

Matt's best man and his wife.  (Nope can't remember their names)

The two people on the right are Matt's sister and his brother in law.  They are the nicest people!!

Grandkids with nice faces.

My Birthday through Christmas