Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Grandpa's funeral - the luncheon

These are all the cousins that were at the funeral.
Front row left to right:  Chantay, Torey, Jill, Brandi, back row left to right, Laina, Ray, Keever, Tatum, Sundi & Blase.  None of Nelda's kids were able to come.

These are all the Youngs, even Mauna was a Young once.

These two are so silly!!  We are hoping that one of these days they grow up. ; )

Cameron & Kinlee.  They were born the same year, he is one of the California cousins and Kinlee loves it when he comes to visit, they have a blast!!

I thought I should put at least one of me.  I decided not to wear my glasses, since I was crying most of the time anyway.  Ray gave the family prayer and wrote an amazing poem for his grandpa that they put on the back of the program.  He is so talented.

Nichole and Jerika.  Nichole is 9 months pregant here.  She was scheduled for a c-section 1 week after the funeral.  She was such a trooper, they had to travel 10 hours round trip to get here.

More cousins & Aunt Joanie.  Joanie was married to Mauna's brother Kail, she is the head of the California crew.  She really struggled after Kail died and I think sometimes her kids raised her more than her raising them.  But, that is just my understanding and opinion.

The happy smiling person is Ray's cousin Brandi.  She works for Alliance Title in Pocatello, and just for the record she is my favorite cousin.  She always has such an amazing positive attitude and she is just really fun to be around.  No offense to the other cousins, because I like them too.

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