Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy New Year

In looking at my blog today, I decided I needed to catch up a little. It seems like this week I have a little more time on my hands so it is a good time to do it now. On Sunday my back went out and I am not happy about it at all!! Some of us at work are doing the biggest loser and so I have been exercising pretty consistently the last 4 weeks. Which includes going to Zumba, if you haven't heard of Zumba you should go onto Youtube and see what it is, it is a blast and it doesn't even seem like you are exercising because you are having so much fun. Anyway, since my back has been out, I haven't exercised all week and I can feel myself getting fatter. I started a book on Monday and finished it on Tuesday while I was sitting on the heating pad. I did feel better last night when I went to mutual, which was good, because we ended up trapsing through the snow. But, I still don't think I should be exercising just yet. So, that is why I have a little time on my hands.
Young womens has kept me pretty busy, especially in January. On new years eve Ray and I chaperoned the first half of the Stake dance. Before the dance we went to Carlsons to eat dinner. Then we went to the dance and then went back to their house to play some games until midnight when we went back to pick Jerika up at the dance. The pictures below are some from New Years Eve.
Brandon & Allisa

Mya & Jerika

Mya & Kinlee


Also in January they asked me to speak in Sarament meeting about the 2010 Young Women's theme. Luckily they gave me two weeks to prepare, but I was still so nervous. I really hate to speak in church, but I guess after my 15 year break from speaking in sacrament meeting they are getting even with me. Then we had New Beginnings that we had to plan and do. If any of you know about the young women's program, you know all the personal progress stuff has changed, and we had to incorporate all of that into new beginnings. Anyway, we pulled it off, but I still wonder sometimes why I am the one in charge of these amazing women. I realize that I am not "the boss", but I just really think that some of the women that are in there with me could do a much better job than me. But, I realize that is just satan working overtime on me. Anyway, needless to say Young Womens has pretty much taken over all my free time.
One thing I did't give up though is my Bunco groups, yes I said groups, I have two of them. I have so much fun with my Bunco friends every month and I have made some amazing friends that I will have for a very long time because of that silly dice game.
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1 comment:

Jen said...

Sorry about your back. I did not know. That is no fun. So, my delicious soup that I was trying to decide who to take to, and took to no one, should have come to you. I'm not very inspired.