Monday, April 20, 2009

Ray's cousins

Ray's counsins, Laina and Chantay, and their kids came last week from California to surprise his Granny for her birthday. It was during the week and luckily Ray was home and he got to see them this time. We went to dinner Thursday night and then some of them stayed at our house that night. It is amazing how the kids hadn't seen each other for a few years and they just kind of picked up where they left off. They had so much fun together and my kids are still sad they are gone. Kinlee asked me this week what I thought about running to California for the weekend. Little does she know the actual driving time required to get from here to there. But, I thought it was cute. She really struggles when any of our over night visitors leave. These are just a few of the pictures, I will post a couple more soon.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Flying a kite in April??

Some of you already know that Ray was gone for most of March to New York, which is so much further than he usually goes. Anyway, while he was gone he bought kites for the girls and so while he was home this week we went to fly them at the park. It was NOT a success!! After all that wind we have had, there sure wasn't any when we needed it. It was family time though and we had a good time.

Look, I did get in the pictures, its my shadow.

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Bunco

I hosted bunco at my house on March 17, and you can't have a party on a holiday without taking full advantage of the "Theme" of that holiday. Therefore, everything was green. We had peas, pistachio salad, green bread (see below), green enchiladas, and then I ordered grasshopper cupcakes from the cupcake store in town (they are the center piece on the table) and I can't forget the green kool aid.
These are my bunco friends, minus Nakia, she was late. Anyway, I am on the left (in my cute farm animal apron), then Allisa Carlson, Mandy Davis (who hates all green food, she had a rough night), DeAnn Chadwick, Kathy Davis, Sheila Gummow and Nichole Stanford. We had a lot of fun!!

Kinlee wanted a pictures of herself eating all of the green food. I need to be a fun mom all the time I guess and do things like this more often. Both the girls thought it was pretty silly.
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My Birthday through Christmas