Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to School

Here are pictures of the girl's the first day of school. Jerika will be 13 on Friday and Kinlee will be 8 on the 24th. Boy they really grow fast!!
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silverhartgirl said...

very cute.

Audrey said...

Wow, Jerika looks so old! She is beautiful!!! That means you are REALLY OLD Janel! I, however, am not getting any older!

The Courtney Family said...

I can't believe Jerika is only gonna be 13! She looks so grown up and pretty! I'm not surprised Kinlee will be 8. She is so tall! Since I'm a lousy neighbor and will probably forget...HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERIKA AND KINLEE THIS MONTH!!! YOU ROCK!

The Sharp Family said...

Wahoo!!! You updated!
Man they are growing up so fast. Jerika is so beautiful!

My Birthday through Christmas