Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Miscellaneous End of July & Some of August

The FedEx guy is my Arch Nemesis - He makes me sign for the packages that come to my office.  He tried to tell me the other day that he has a video camera on his signature thingy.  Yea so he's a liar too.  

Terry's birthday and Brooke is putting my heart back together that got smashed on the airplane home from Arizona even though I packed it with lots of clothes around it.  No, I didn't check it but they made me leave it at the door of the airplane and they were obviously not careful with it.  

These two cuties decided to come visit me at work at the same time.  That never happens and they didn't even want money.  LOL

This was my July activity as Google saw it.  It really was a good month.

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